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Accidentally taking more than one pill

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:02 am
by Allybannsiders
If you accidentally take more than one pill in a day because you forgot you've taken it but then replace it the next day with a pill from a spare pack, will this affect your protection and will it affect your week break?

Re: Accidentally taking more than one pill

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:07 am
by Jacob
Hi Allybannsiders!

I'm sorry to hear about this stress today and I notice you've had plenty a panic about your pill over the past few weeks. It looks like we are stuck in a bit of a loop so for you experience some change we likely need a change of tack.

Have you sought any help around anxiety before or any mental health support to find out what might be pushing you to these repeated panics?

That isn't support we can give, but if you need help finding someone or somewhere we'd be happy to help.

Re: Accidentally taking more than one pill

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:14 am
by Allybannsiders
Will my week break be affected?
I finish my pill packet tomorrow
And I'm going to go talk to my doctor about trying something different and abstaining for a while

Re: Accidentally taking more than one pill

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:50 am
by Allybannsiders
This is the third time this month that I've panicked that I haven't taken my pill so take an extra one, will this affect my protection during my week break? I take my last pill tomorrow and don't know what to do? My boyfriend and I fooled around last night but didn't have sex and I'm pretty sure he kept his boxers on for the most part and he definitely didn't fully ejaculate but will I be protected now if I stop my pill tomorrow for my week? (So I'll have taken 24 pills in 21 days this month)

This is my last question, going to make an appointment tomorrow to see my doctor next week

Thank you

Re: Accidentally taking more than one pill

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:17 pm
by Jacob
Glad to hear you will be seeing a doctor.

We won't be answering the rest of your questions on this subject because of the reasons I stated above.

I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.