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Changing birth control time

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:56 am
by FadedPassion
Hello! I have 2 questions:
1. I'm on combination birth control pills. I usually take my pills at 8pm but it was a bit inconvenient so I'm going to take them at 12 noon on my new pack. I was reading another forum and someone said they were a nurse and said the best time to take your pills is at night and that they're more effective when taken then. I've never heard of this before, I thought as long as you take them at the same time everyday then you're protected the same. Can I get clarification?

2. On the weekend I'm going away for a couple days and didn't want to bring my whole pack of pills. I bought one of those plastic pill containers (those ones labelled Mon-Sun). Are my pills still fully effective if I remove them from their package and keep them in this container?

Re: Changing birth control time

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:59 am
by Sam W
Hi Fadedpassion,

There's nothing about taking your pills at night that automatically makes them more effective. It may be that, for some people, taking them at night helps establish the pill as part of a routine so they are less likely to forget them, meaning they won't experience a decrease in effectiveness from a missed pill.

As long as your pills are somewhere they can't get damaged (like a pill case) then they should be fine to use.

Re: Changing birth control time

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:55 am
by FadedPassion
Thank you for clearing that up, I though the same thing. I guess it would make sense to take it at night if you get nauseous after taking it. I remember my doctor telling me that it can be good to take it around lunch or dinner because the oilyness in the food can help it aborb better and hopefully prevent side effects. I have no idea if that's true since I know you don't have to take it with food.
Since I'm starting my next pack at an earlier time I would automatically be protected right away am I correct? I wouldn't need to use backup protection for 7 days?

Re: Changing birth control time

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:06 am
by Karyn
No, you don't need to use a backup method when you switch your pill-taking time (although it sounds like you might feel more comfortable and secure using one).