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Unread post by Ash.cash1 »

So I recently just lost my virginity like on the first of September recently. When I lost it, of course it was painful and it did become pleasurable eventually. My concern is that since we've had sex I've been bleeding the first day I was bleeding heavy and now I'm just spotting on and off. It's like one minute I'm bleeding the next I'm not. I don't know if I need to see a doctor or not. Pleaseee help!!!
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Unread post by Heather »

That pain or bleeding occur with first intercourse actually isn't a given. If they do, that is often due to a lack of adequate arousal (on your part), relaxation and/or added lubrication. A partner being too aggressive can also create bleeding.

So, what created pain before and bleeding now may be the same things. I want to check in about a couple things first:

Are you only having intercourse when you are already very turned on and want intercourse? Are you enjoying yourself; does it feel very good for you? Are you using plenty of additional lubricant, especially if you are also using condoms?
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