Making sure I'm on top of it
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:19 am
Scarletten Staff,
Hi, I was browsing through your site and I've read most of your articles on the risks of pregnancy. But I had a quick question (I don't believe it breaches your rules and I apologize if it does, I legit want to make sure my grounds are covered )
All of the articles say that direct contact is necessary like sex, rubbing or an ejaculation from the penis "right then and there" --"whoop there it is!" is what I would have said lol. However I ran across an old message board that you all didn't respond as "cannot reply to this" where someone had mentioned in a conversation titled, "The pregnancy panic companion" on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:46 pm
"And direct would be defined as a completely naked vulva in contact with the area with ejaculation, right?"
and the response by Onionpie ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:03 pm
"Yup! That's correct "
Reading through the conversation I may just have misunderstood, but it was more recent (2017) so I wanted to make sure that this wasn't an exception to anything or updated info. The way it was written seemed to be on the side of caution towards semen left on a surface (like a bed) and if the naked vagina was not covered by anything then it would present a risk, since it was said that a "naked vulva in contact with the AREA with ejaculation" was considered to be direct contact. And Onionpie said it was correct. I know pregnancy is harder than a sperms being present, but again, I felt like I was missing something after reading that message board, and I want to stay safe. I'm sure you all would have included this info in your articles, but I'm still fairly new to the site (which I'm so thankful for) Again, sorry if this was out of bounds! I hope it wasn't
Hi, I was browsing through your site and I've read most of your articles on the risks of pregnancy. But I had a quick question (I don't believe it breaches your rules and I apologize if it does, I legit want to make sure my grounds are covered )
All of the articles say that direct contact is necessary like sex, rubbing or an ejaculation from the penis "right then and there" --"whoop there it is!" is what I would have said lol. However I ran across an old message board that you all didn't respond as "cannot reply to this" where someone had mentioned in a conversation titled, "The pregnancy panic companion" on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:46 pm
"And direct would be defined as a completely naked vulva in contact with the area with ejaculation, right?"
and the response by Onionpie ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:03 pm
"Yup! That's correct "
Reading through the conversation I may just have misunderstood, but it was more recent (2017) so I wanted to make sure that this wasn't an exception to anything or updated info. The way it was written seemed to be on the side of caution towards semen left on a surface (like a bed) and if the naked vagina was not covered by anything then it would present a risk, since it was said that a "naked vulva in contact with the AREA with ejaculation" was considered to be direct contact. And Onionpie said it was correct. I know pregnancy is harder than a sperms being present, but again, I felt like I was missing something after reading that message board, and I want to stay safe. I'm sure you all would have included this info in your articles, but I'm still fairly new to the site (which I'm so thankful for) Again, sorry if this was out of bounds! I hope it wasn't