CBD oil and birth control?

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CBD oil and birth control?

Unread post by FadedPassion »

Hello! I have no idea if you would have information or knowledge on this topic. I've tried asking a doctor and pharmacist before but I don't get any information because they aren't trained in "natural" medicine. I was going to start taking CBD oil for my anxiety and I have read a few articles online that it could interact with combination birth control. I'm on (Ortho Tri-Cyclen). This is a total bummer because it has so many health benefits but I don't want to use something that may interact with the estrogen in my pills. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: CBD oil and birth control?

Unread post by Heather »

I have been asked this in the past, but I am not aware of any broad studies that give us the data on the efficacy of hormonal methods in combination with medical marijuana that'd let me answer this for you. :(

(Since estrogen hasn't changed, and marijuana hasn't changed, though, this study from 1983 might be of use to you: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6296360 Secondarily, this more recent report on a study suggests that estrogen may increase how sensitive you are to THC, but not any interactions the other way round.)

Have you asked your prescribing physician for your pill? Personally, if they say it's fine, I'd trust. I keep up with the prescribing info for contraceptives, and have yet to see any additions that it IS an issue and that the pill should not be prescribed for medical marijuana users. But if they don't know, or you aren't feeling confident about it, you also can always just back up with some form of condom. In fact, given how much worry you have posted about your pill and its efficacy on the boards in the past, if you aren't already backing up with condoms, I think you could get a whole lot of peace of mind by adding them, even if you don't wind up using the CBD oil.

Sorry that's all I've got!
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