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Accuracy of a pregnancy test?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:37 am
by JamesMatt
The instructions on paper said that morning urine is preferred, but random samples can be used. But the online website said you need early morning urine. After calling the helpdesk, the woman said you '' NEED " MORNING URINE as HCG LEVELS are higher. But after telling her my girl got her period and we used the test about one month after our incident, she said then it would be fine and it's negative result is okay. After googling I found out that it didn't matter what time you took the test, if you were pretty far along. Since that term is subjective, I wanted to know how accurate a test taken (Following all instructions properly) after about 4 weeks since the activity would be? the test was taken AT 11. 30 AM. I am pretty sure HCG levels are pretty developed this far along...

Re: Accuracy of a pregnancy test?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:57 am
by Redskies
The company of the make of test that your girlfriend took will be the best source for information about that specific test. It sounds like that's who you asked, so you already have that information.

In your previous thread with us, you were already very aware that the worries and concerns you have about this are rooted in anxiety. This new concern about the accuracy of the test is a classic tactic that anxiety uses against someone who's suffering with it: the anxiety insists that there must be something else to be concerned about, just "one more thing", and then everything will be alright. Unfortunately, it's the way that anxiety is a tricksy liar; it is never okay, there is always a new "one more thing". Anxiety Lies explores that in more detail, from someone who's been there.

As we said before, I strongly recommend that you do your very best to keep away from information about conception and pregnancy, including our site. Instead, try to put your time and energy into seeking out appropriate help and support for anxiety, because that's what's most likely to give you long-term and real improvement and relief from the ways you're feeling.