Condom broke took Plan B

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Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Loopsyme »

I am feeling so unlucky these days since we encountered another condom failure 2 months ago (I got my period afterwards). This time the condom broke, he did not ejaculate, yet there might be some precum therefore I took Plan B in 15 minutes. This happened approximately around my ovulation period, so I'm quite nervous. He told me that the last time he ejaculated was 2 days before the incident, therefore he urinated many times which I believe decreases the chances of the precum to contain any sperm. Does this pose a huge risk? What do you think about the possibility of getting pregnant from this scenario? Thank you in advance.
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

We will not discuss the pregnancy scare aspect of this with you per our policies. You have done what you could already - you took Plan B - now, alas, you just need to wait it out.

Want to see if we can't get to the bottom of your confirm breaks, though? Breaks with proper use are quite rare, so this is probably a mistake you're making that can likely be easily fixed.

If so, let's start by checking some common errors: are you always using plenty of extra lubricant? Leaving room in the tip of the condom for ejaculate when your partner puts it on? Storing them properly?
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Loopsyme »

We did leave some room at the tip and the condoms were perfectly stored, I am certain about these two. Yet, we did not use any lubricant however down there was not dry at all also. Do we need to use lubricant all the time even though there is no vaginal dryness?
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

It really can make a difference when it comes to keeping condoms working their best. The lubricant your body makes just doesn't tend to work as well, particularly with latex.

Since more lube usually feels nicer than less anyway, it's not like using it is a drag, either. :D
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Loopsyme »

Lubricant it is then :?
I have one more question since I couldn't find the related article: would taking the EC pills 2 times in 2 months have a serious side effect such as infertility? I know it sounds quite stupid to ask that but since a single EC pill has a massive amount of dose in it, it freaks me out whenever I take it.
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

There's no cause for concern about that. Hormonal contraceptives aren't a cause of infertility, period (save when you're using them and sometimes shortly after).

Plan B and other emergency contraceptive pills also don't have a massive dose of anything: that's a misconception a lot if people have. In reality:
Most oral contraceptives have 100 to 150 micrograms of levonorgestrel per pill; emergency contraceptive pills contain either two two 750 microgram levonorgestrel pills to be taken 12 hours apart (or together: taking them apart is mostly about reducing the chance of feeling nauseated) or one 1500 microgram pill, to be taken 12 hours apart. Almost everyone who uses a birth control pill for more than a week or two is taking in as much of the hormone in Plan B or, and most typically, far more.
(That's from here, where you can read more: ... _we_can_he)

The biggest danger of using emergency contraception often is just to your pocketbook. Breathe! :)
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Loopsyme »

Thank you Heather, for your help!
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Loopsyme »

As I was thinking about what happened, I freaked myself out again with something. As I said before, the condom broke. When we checked the tip of the condom was ripped off and the other parts seem to be in contact (the tip of the condom was also in contact with the head so we guessed there was no piece inside of me). But i'm freaking about it right now what if a small ripped piece of the condom is still inside of me? Would it find its own way out?
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Alice O »

Hey Loopsyme,

That scenario seems quite unlikely! Especially because it sounds like there were no condom pieces that were unaccounted for. But if it would give you any piece of mind, you can insert a finger or two in your vagina and see if you feel anything out of the ordinary.

It seems to me like you're mind is looking for ways to freak itself out (anxiety can be like that!) and in anxious times it is extra-important to focus on taking good care of ourselves. Scarleteen has this amazing self-care masterlist: Self-Care a La Carte. Do you see something(s) on this list that you already do and could incorporate into your day, or that is new to you but you would like to try?
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by laurabriann »

Hi again,
I got my period on the day I expected it, now I am on the third day. However, my breasts are still quite sore and they hurt. I also did not have any kind of sex after the incident. The bleeding seems normal to me, yet I have no idea why my breasts are still sore even though I got my period. Is it normal to have this soreness during the period? Could it be implantation bleeding?
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Re: Condom broke took Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

Only you can know what is or isn't normal for you during and around your periods. However, breast tenderness is one of those things that's just a common part of having breasts, even when people don't have periods.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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