
Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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Unread post by 22yovirgin »

I was a 22 year old virgin until last night when I couldn't resist to this one guy (until now I had been too afraid to try).
My problem is that halfway through intercourse we notice me bleeding quite a lot and everything was smeared with blood. IS THAT NORMAL??? It didn't hurt or anything we only even notice I was bleeding because we changed positions.
The other thing is that we weren't planning on having sex so, I'm not on the pill and we didn't use a condom. This morning I already took the morning after pill, how can I know that I'm not pregnant????
Sam W
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Re: Intercourse

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi 22yovirgin,

We can't really say what the bleeding was. Assuming the bleeding it not your period, it could be that you were not lubricated enough or that you were tense or that whatever you were doing was rough enough to cause a cut or a tear. Nobody should bleed during intercourse, even though it does happen to some people. You can read about some ways to prevent it here: From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse

Since you've taken emergency contraception, all you can really do is wait to take a pregnancy test. This guide offers you a walk through of next steps based on your specific situation: The Pregnancy Panic Companion . Did you and this guy discuss STI status beforehand? If not, you'll want to get tested for those as well.

Given that you don't want to become pregnant, can I ask why you and he decided to go without a condom?
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