Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:03 pm
Me and my boyfriend recently started having protected sex around 2-3 months ago. I'm on combined birth control and we use a condom and withdrawal. I like to be reassured and panic quite a lot about things that could happen. I've read loads of information before we did the deed and I still continue to just so I know we are fully protected. For the past 2 weeks I have had weird feelings in my stomach and have suffered from bloating making my stomach look puffy which started to worry me quite a lot. I am due on my period in about 5 days and i was wondering if this was just early signs of my period being due or if it was something more serious to worry about? Thanks
Me and my boyfriend recently started having protected sex around 2-3 months ago. I'm on combined birth control and we use a condom and withdrawal. I like to be reassured and panic quite a lot about things that could happen. I've read loads of information before we did the deed and I still continue to just so I know we are fully protected. For the past 2 weeks I have had weird feelings in my stomach and have suffered from bloating making my stomach look puffy which started to worry me quite a lot. I am due on my period in about 5 days and i was wondering if this was just early signs of my period being due or if it was something more serious to worry about? Thanks