Breast tenderness

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Breast tenderness

Unread post by laurabriann »

Today I'm experiencing some breast pain, even though I am apx. 15 days away from getting my period (I have irregular cycles though), I didn't involve in any kind of sex after I got my last period, so I'm not pregnant.
What could be the reason why my breasts are sore? Does ovulation have a symptom like breast tenderness?
Thank you
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Re: Breast tenderness

Unread post by Mo »

Your breasts could be sore as a premenstrual symptom (either coming earlier than usual or your period could be coming earlier than expected), but soreness can also be related to breast growth or hormonal fluctuations at other points during your cycle; it's not unusual to notice, even if you don't normally notice it at this point in your cycle.
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Re: Breast tenderness

Unread post by laurabriann »

I took Ella last month due to condom failure, it was 2 weeks before my expected period. Then I got my period on the expected dates, which lasted 6 days as usual. I always have sore breasts approximately 10 days prior to my period, which I take as a sign of PMS. And this soreness goes away as I got my period. After I got my period, the soreness went away. It's been 19 days since I got my previous period, and there was no breast pain during that period of time, but now I'm having breast pain all of a sudden with some abdominal cramps. The period tracker app that I've been using for 2 years says that there are 16 days left for my next period, but why am I experiencing breast soreness and abdominal cramps right now? Does this mean that I am going to have my period quite early this time? Could it be Ella that is causing this irregularity even though it did not affect my previous period? Can I be pregnant even though I took Ella right away and got my period on the expected dates (2 weeks after the incident)? Should I be concerned for this symptoms?
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Re: Breast tenderness

Unread post by Heather »

There are so many reasons someone can experience abdominal cramps (though they are usually about the digestive system, not the reproductive system, which is the area of the body we mostly deal with here). There are also a lot of reasons someone can have breast tenderness, though that's usually just about having breasts, period. They are going to be tender sometimes as a general rule.

But we can't tell you why these things are happening. We also can't predict when your period will arrive. And I believe you're already aware that we have a hard limit when it comes to talking pregnancy scares.

So, if you are concerned about these physical symptoms, your best bet would be to talk to a general healthcare provider who can look into them for you (though changes are, they will only really investigate abdominal cramping since again, breast tenderness is usually nothing to worry about).
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