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Birth control pill's effectiveness compromised

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:27 am
by Mariefrance

I am worried about medication interaction with the combination pill. I'm currently on Yasminelle. Last week I had sort of a sexual encounter (fingering with possible cum presence) and am afraid that panadol pills (which I took about an hour after having taken bc pill) may have compromised the bc pill's effectiveness. Panadol pills contain paracetamol. About 12 hours after having taken the bc pill (I always take it 6 am) I had some loose stool. Do I have to worry?

Re: Birth control pill's effectiveness compromised

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:21 am
by Sam W
Hi Mariefrance,

I'm going to answer this question over in the other thread you've made about your pill so that we keep that conversation in one place for now.