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Birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:00 am
by Charliex
Hey , I understand your policy and I'm trying to stick by it :) . I was wondering what are the chances of someone who is on the pill( and hasn't ever missed one ) has unprotected sex ( just pre-ejaculate involved , no full ejaculation ) about 3 days before a withdrawal bleed and then 3 days after do indeed get their withdrawal bleed ( and it is normal lasting 5 days and a medium flow ) so what are the chances of someone being pregnant even after having a withdrawal bleed ? And also is a gassy stomach a early sign of pregnancy ?

Re: Birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:20 am
by Sam W
Hi Charliex,

You can read about the effectiveness of the pill here: Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill) . You may also find this article helpful: Chicken Soup for the Pregnancy Symptom Freakout's Soul

Just to check, are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?

Re: Birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:28 am
by Charliex
We are both clear , thanks for asking . Last question as I have read so many different answers , is it possible for someone to have a normal withdraw bleed and still be pregnant ? Just would like to know because here is so much confusion about it online

Re: Birth control and pregnancy

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:35 am
by Sam W
If a withdrawal bleed arrives around the time it's expected, then it's safe to assume that pregnancy has not occurred. Since it sounds like it might be helpful to you, here's a great resource on how to tell when information about sex is accurate: Legit or Unfit? Finding Safe, Sound Sex Educators & Support Online

Are you feeling 100% comfortable using the pill as your main method of birth control, or would you feel using a second method such as a condom?