Scarleteen Holidays: Our direct services, including these message boards will be closed Christmas Day (12/25), 1st day of Hanukkah (12/26), and New Year’s Day (1/1).

Stressed and anxious

When you want support through something scary or rough, and help pulling yourself together and getting through, this is the place.
Forum rules
We ask that users looking for general, ongoing emotional support post in this area of the boards, and that you use this space to both ask for, give and receive that support primarily from each other, rather than from our staff and volunteers. As a staff, we simply are often too overextended with all we need to do in running the organization and its services to do that for extended periods of time, and one of our main aims of our community at the boards has always been to facilitate peers to better be there for each other.

Users often report that they have no in-person peers they can talk to or seek support from: we want this to be a space for online peer support and somewhere everyone can get some practice asking for, getting and giving support so that doing it with people in your lives feels more doable.

Please remember that neither staff, volunteers nor your fellow users can provide or replace mental healthcare when that is something you need. Users struggling with issues like anxiety, depression, abuse or physical health issues are strongly encouraged to seek out qualified, in-person help with those issues in addition to peer or staff support.
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Stressed and anxious

Unread post by kreed95 »

So I told my fiancé today of my past. And now I'm so anxious. He understands but I didn't even go into the details of the rapes. And my mind is spending and I feel like I can't catch my breath. I hate that I didn't tell him earilier. But he wants to start getting more serious and the only memories I have of sex is horrible ones. I keep it all in my head but he wants to talk which than brings out emotions that I don't know how to deal with. I want to cry and change the subject and never talk about it. But there is going to be one day when he wants sex and I'm too afraid to even think about it. I just keep telling him I'm not ready. But truth is I'm just to terrified to even think about it
Alice O
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Location: New York City

Re: Stressed and anxious

Unread post by Alice O »

Hi kreed95,

I am going to reply to this and your other post in your thread "Rape and Fiance."
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