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Is it possible the condom broke or am I being paranoid?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:52 am
by Hermen
So I was having sex with a girl, before putting on the condom, she put some water-based lube into the condom because according to her, it made it less likely to break and I was in no position to agrue. During the sex I noticed there was something very similar to lube on the tip of the condom and only the tip so we stopped having sex, I felt the tip and wiped off whatever was on the condom. It stayed completely dry so we continued to have sex writing it off as paranoia but when I checked it was there again like before, only the tip yet again. There weren't any noticeable holes but I'm still worried so I thought I'd ask. In case you're wondering, we were using lube during foreplay.

Re: Is it possible the condom broke or am I being paranoid?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:56 am
by Sam W
Hi Hermen,

So, when a condom breaks, it will be really noticeable. Like, huge tear noticeable. So, unless you found a huge tear, or the condom came all the way off at some point, you can assume it did its job.

Re: Is it possible the condom broke or am I being paranoid?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:37 pm
by MissAj
Don't worry, it was more than likely just her cum. Youd know it be ripped if it was a big tear because of the motion youd be doing would tear it even more.

Re: Is it possible the condom broke or am I being paranoid?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:09 am
by Redskies
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