Penis size

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Penis size

Unread post by Bigboy1234 »

Hi I’m 15 turning 16 in around 6 months and my penis length is about 5 inches or just below while erect. I have some hair under my armpits and my pubes are fully grown. I want to know if there’s a chance my penis can grow any longer because it hasn’t grown for months now and has stayed the same length. I’m hoping to be at least 6 inches because 5 is pretty small in my eyes. I have no facial hair or hair on my chest either
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Re: Penis size

Unread post by Heather »

No one can predict what someone's body is going to do like that, particularly during adolescence, when in a whole lot of ways, all bets are off. Ultimately, your penis is going to have grown as much as it will in any static way by the time you're in your mid-twenties. Puberty doesn't start and end at the same time for everyone, but for most people, it's all over by the time they're in their early or mid-twenties. It's safe to say it's not ever all over for anyone at 15, even for people who started it early.

At that point -- and now! -- I hope you'll accept it whatever its size or shape, just as I hope you do and will with all the rest of your body. :)

If you'd like to talk more about the ideas or feelings you've picked up about penis size, including the idea that your size now (which is average, btw) is problematic, we can certainly talk more about that with you.
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