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Liking BDSM/Femdom since a young age? I don't have interest in vanilla sex?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:30 am
by longleggedboy
Hi, ever since preschool I have dreamt of being a slave to a girl. When I was 5 I started masturbating just because it felt good, and all of the fantasies I masturbated to were femdom. Now, at age 15, I have discovered things about my femdom fetish (girls wearing fur coats or Uggs for example) but I can only get off if it involves femdom, I have no desire for vanilla sex. Is it normal to be masturbating from such a young age and never having a desire for vanilla sex? Is it possible when I'm older I'll have a desire for vanilla sex?

Re: Liking BDSM/Femdom since a young age? I don't have interest in vanilla sex?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:15 am
by Sam W
Hi Longleggedboy,

It is common for young children to masturbate as they figure out that genital stimulation feels good. As for whether your desires will change as you get older, there's not really a way to predict that. Part of that is because no one is 100% clear on how kinks are formed or what sustains them. Too, the line between "kinky" and "vanilla" is blurry at best, because what we view as "normal" sexual behavior and what we view as "deviant" changes over time and is different for each person. But there's also the fact that sexual interests can be attached to a specific partner, and an act that we loved with one person can leave us totally "meh" when we try it with a different partner. So it may be that you will meet someone who you very much want to have your version of vanilla sex with. Does that make sense?