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semen *just* outside the vulva

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:43 pm
by K. Pryde
Sorry, I know everybody hates pregnancy scare questions, but I don't think this exact situation is *quite* explicitly covered in any of the "could this cause pregnancy" articles.

Was just having sex when my partner ejaculated with a bit more force than usual and, to both of our surprise, a glob of semen landed on me. It landed very, very close to the vulva, but (just barely) outside the labia majora - like, right on the outside of it. We carefully wiped it off, wiping away from the vagina, and then I took a shower and soaped the whole area up several times.

So, two questions -

(1) Is there any significant pregnancy risk here?

(2) If this isn't the kind of situation that warrants Plan B or anything, is there anything I could still do tonight to reduce any risk of pregnancy?


Re: semen *just* outside the vulva

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:23 am
by Johanna
From your description, it does not sound like this situation should be considered a risk. You can use condoms to avoid issues like this in the future.