Sex and bleeding

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Sex and bleeding

Unread post by Chester40 »

Im a 16 year old girl and I’ve been on the progesterone only pill for just under a month, my boyfriend and I had sex before I was on the pill without any issues but ever since I’ve started to take the pill I bleed every time we have sex. The first one it happened I thought it was because my hymen broke but it has happened four times since. I’m definitely not pregnant and have no STI/STD but I’m afraid to tell my mom or ask my doctor. Help ?
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Re: Sex and bleeding

Unread post by Heather »

Welcome to the boards, Chester. :)

So, really, there shouldn't ever be bleeding with sex, including with first times (and hymens don't usually rip or "break" either unless there's an injury: they wear away gradually, and most often without bleeding). But people often do experience bleeding with vaginal intercourse, especially when they're younger, and that's most often because:
1. No one is using any additional lubricant, or is, but isn't using enough of it,
2. The person with the vagina who is the receptive partner isn't turned on or relaxed enough, or was, but stops being one or both at some point,
3. The person with the penis (or toy, or fingers, if either of those things are happening instead) is being too hasty or rough,
4. There is some kind of infection causing bleeding (the one most associated with bleeding during sex and only at that time is Chlamydia), or
5. One or more of the above.

If you are also having spotting at other times, this could also just be because of your pill, or mostly because of your pill. Progestin-only methods' most common side effect is spotting.

So, looking at that list, what do you think? Do any of the things on the list apply for you that you know of (you say you don't have any infections, so I'll assume you mean you have recently been tested and came out with all negative results)?
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Re: Sex and bleeding

Unread post by Chester40 »

Hi thanks for answering.
Yeah I recently got tested and I’m 100% clean. My only problem now is that I’m afraid to have sex in case I bleed again.
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Re: Sex and bleeding

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Chester!

I wonder if you'd consider speaking to your partner about it and your insecurities? Sometimes telling someone else can put us at ease.

I'd also reiterate Heather's mention of using a lubricant, it can be a life saver at times!

(I'll also add that having an STI doesn't make someone dirty! So not having one does mean we're 'clean'. It's better to say that all the tests came back negative, or we got the all clear. Showering however, showering is an acceptable way to do something to call ourselves clean)
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