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Withdrawal bleeding

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:29 am
by Tuberz

So I had had sex about two weeks ago (the 9th), and it was the first day of my new pill pack. The guy was very “wet” (to put it nicely). He ejaculated before we had sex, but not during. We used a condom, but it kept slipping. I usually took my pill within a few hours of my normal time, no more than two hours late once a week. We had screwed around a few times after we had sex, but there was no penetration. The week of the 18th, I had missed two pills in my pack and had breakthrough bleeding. I bled for about four days, and currently still have some lower abdominal cramps. I have also been very tied lately. I have not had participated in any type of sexual activity since the 12th. I know I am probably overthinking, but I have never experienced breakthrough bleeding from missed pills and I’m just worried that there’s a chance between the cramps and being tired that I could be pregnant. I was just wondering if cramps and fatigue after breakthrough bleeding is over is normal for missing a few days of the pill.

And happy holidays!

Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:58 am
by Heather
Happy holidays to you as well!

Can I ask when you were/are actually due for your withdrawal bleed? I ask because what you're describing feeling right now sounds a whole lot like what's pretty typical when it's about the time in a cycle for a period/withdrawal bleed.

By all means, having spotting or bleeding after missing a couple days pills is common, and because of that, you may or may not have the kind of flow, or timing of it, you're used to during your withdrawal bleed, but you may still have other things that often come along with that time, like cramps and fatigue.

Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 7:47 am
by Tuberz
I missed my pills the second week of my pill pack. I am not due for withdrawal bleed until the new year

Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:08 pm
by Heather
Okay. So, probably you're just someone whose body is more sensitive to subtle or slight hormonal changes so you had the symptoms you did as a reaction to missing those pills.

Really, all there is to do now, though, is be sure to keep backing up with condoms, and talk to your healthcare provider if you keep getting cramps at times other that your withdrawal bleed, or find that you keep spotting for more than another few days (unless it feels like you're just getting your withdrawal bleed early, which can also happen).

Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:16 am
by Tuberz
Thank you! That’s what I figured, but I was anxious, as I never had anybody to talk to who’s been in the same situation