love problems

Questions and discussions about relationships: girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, partners, friends, family or other intimate relationships in your lives.
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love problems

Unread post by floweronsaturn »

ive been in quite a few relationships in the past 5 months. my first one in september was with a girl named nikki. we were together for about a month until I found out she cheated on me with one of her guy friends. when I confronted her about it and she acted like it was no big deal. I stopped contacting her after that and tried my best to move on. soon after, my best friend of 4 years finally asked me out in december. I was ecstatic! ive always liked her and I knew that we were meant for eachother. we dated for about a month until recently in January, she broke up for me with another guy. she had been switching her sexuality for the past few months, she said she was straight, pan, gay, bi, pan, gay, and then straight again. with all of her past partners, including me, she has broken up for them for this reason. I'm now trying to move on.
recently, my best guy friend has gone through a nasty breakup with one of his best friends that he has liked for 3 years. it really hurt him, so ive been trying to comfort him. we have been keeping in touch more, and i helped him get a new, better girlfriend that will treat him right.
unfortunately, the past few days with his new girlfriend haven't been the best. he wants to break up with her, but he doesn't want to break her heart. also, he told me that he really likes me and wants to get with me. he wanted to play a stripping game with me on the phone, and he keeps texting me and saying he wants to have sex with me. there are a few problems with this. one, he has a girlfriend and its making me feel guilty. two, i love him a lot, but i don't know if i love him sexually. three, i have ptsd from sexual assault, and i don't know if I'm ready to be with or have sex with a guy. on top of all this, nikki is now trying to get back with me, and is even sending me nudes. i don't know what to think anymore, can anyone help me out?

-saturn <3
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Re: love problems

Unread post by Heather »

It sounds like what you could probably use is a break from all of this, honestly.

How do you feel about giving yourself, say, a month off from anything sexual with anyone, and asking your friends just to be friends right now and to also take a break propositioning you?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
not a newbie
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:49 am
Age: 19
Awesomeness Quotient: i can grow flowers
Primary language: english
Pronouns: they/them/she/her
Sexual identity: gay or maybe bi not sure rn
Location: texas yee haw

Re: love problems

Unread post by floweronsaturn »

that probably would be best, its just really stressful lately with all this going on, and i dont want my friends to feel bad or angry. ill try to focus on myself for now.

thanks for the help,
-saturn <3
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