Period in the middle of birth control pack

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Period in the middle of birth control pack

Unread post by TooWorry »


I have just recently started taking birth control for the very first time. I am in the third week of my first pack. On December 30 (Nearing the end of my second week of pills), I started to spot & the next day I started to have a full on period. I am currently about to end the period today (Jan. 4th). Is it normal to have a period in the middle of the pack? Does this mean that when I get to the inactive pills, I’ll get another period? Should I expect another period in the last row of pills or will this one count for it instead? This is my first month on the pill so I know my body is trying to get adjusted to the extra hormones I’m giving it.
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Re: Period in the middle of birth control pack

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi TooWorry

While we can't say for certain what caused your withdrawal bleed (which is what the "period" you get on the pill technically is) to come early, you're right that this is likely a side effect of your body adjusting to the pill. And it's something that happens to plenty of pill users. As for what to expect during the inactive week, that's simply something we can't predict. You may get another withdrawal bleed, and you may not.
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Re: Period in the middle of birth control pack

Unread post by TooWorry »

I’m probably getting annoying with all of my birth control questions, but I have another one. My first month on the pill started off fine until I got to the second/third week of active pills. I had a period in the middle of the pack & I have been spotting since. I’m always having mild cramping too. I don’t know if I should call my doctor to change my pill or just wait it out because this is the first month I’ve been on the pill. I was happy to start the pill at first because I wanted to have a second methond of protection whole having sex instead of just using condoms but now I almost feel like I regret starting the pill. My experience hasn’t been easy breezy & I just want to stop spotting & cramping. I’m getting a bit annoyed with it all. But on the bright side, my skin had been looking pretty good since taking the pill. Is it normal to feel this way in the first month of taking the pill? I know I can’t be the only one who is having an awful first month on the pill.
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Re: Period in the middle of birth control pack

Unread post by Heather »

Many medications involve an adjustment period that’s a few weeks to months, like hormonal methods of birth control or antidepressants, for example.

Switching to a different pill now isn’t a great idea. Not only is this a common and minor side effect of all hormonal methods, you will have to start the adjustment process all over again, potentially to just have the same experience, no less.
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