Self-Help Strategies

Questions and discussions about your bodies and their parts.
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Self-Help Strategies

Unread post by Kela »

Hello :)
(I'm not sure this topic belongs in this forum, but I figured its about my body so I hope its okay..? feel free to move :))
So, since the last time I was round here, I've decided to make some changes. the first one being to start really focusing on myself, and forget about dating for the moment. its been a pretty tough year, so I really need to focus on getting myself better!!

Firstly, I've started to look into person to person counselling for my anxiety, I would like to start in the new year if possible. its one of my new years resolutions I've decided :) 2015 is going to be about ME!! I was thinking about this the other day, and realised this is the first time in my adult life I'm single. when I got into my long term relationship that ended earlier this year, I was only 17, very young, and I spent my whole relationship helping the other person find who they were I guess I forgot about finding out who I was, when, really, at 17, I should have been finding out who I was.

Secondly, I think my immune system is pretty low at the moment, I seem to have caught a funny skin infection :(( I've been to the Dr, who said just use E45 and ride it out, but I've been pretty distressed and upset the past few weeks since my break up and I was talking to my sister who said someone at her workplace had a similar condition, but it was because her immune system was low. She recommended to my sister Echinacea and vitamin C supplements to boost it, as well as eating me healthily of course.

I have a few questions; firstly, is Echinacea safe to use with the contraceptive implant? are there any immune-boosting supplements I should avoid because of the implant?
Secondly, has anyone got any other suggestions for boosting my immune system and general wellbeing?
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Re: Self-Help Strategies

Unread post by Mo »

I'm not aware of any issues with echinacea and the implant, but your doctor will be the best person to consult about any interactions with your implant, and nutrition/health issues as well. If you aren't happy with the conversation you had with your current doctor, you could try getting a referral to someone else, or consulting with a nutritionist. Things like supplements tend to be pretty variable in terms of how well they work for different people; what works for one person might not be a great fit for you.

But in general, basic things like getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and getting at least some exercise regularly (this doesn't have to be high-impact, even taking short walks is nice) are a good foundation for health and self-care. :)
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