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Masturbating with Vibrator - Longer to Orgasm

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:54 pm
by monkey 014

Just recently I have been having trouble getting to orgasm with my rabbit style vibrator. It takes longer to orgasm, and it is not as intense as they usually are; should I just take break from the vibrator and give my genitalia some time to desensitize? Will everything go back to normal if I give myself some breathing space?

Re: Masturbating with Vibrator - Longer to Orgasm

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:11 am
by Sam W
Hi Monkey,

It might be less a question of getting "desensitized" (which isn't really a thing that happens with vibrators) and more one of how different sensations and vibrators feel to your body. Our bodies are going to respond differently to different stimuli, and something (like a rabbit vibe) that one person finds makes them orgasm quite easily may not really do it for someone else. So, if you're not feeling that this vibrator is not what you really want, you can absolutely take a break from it, or stop using it.

Re: Masturbating with Vibrator - Longer to Orgasm

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:32 am
by monkey 014
Thanks for the advice! I do like my rabbit style vibrator, and I've had a great time before so I think its more a case of giving myself a little break, make myself "miss" it haha!

Re: Masturbating with Vibrator - Longer to Orgasm

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:52 pm
by Mo
Another thing to keep in mind is that so much of arousal and sexual response is tied up in mental and emotional components; if you're feeling tired, stressed, or distracted when masturbating, that can be enough to make arousal or orgasm more difficult.