Plan B

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Plan B

Unread post by ojh22 »

So I took Plan B as a precautionary measure to a condom break about a week ago, less than 24 hours after the incident. I’m on a combined bc but as of a few days ago I’ve been very nauseated which is super out of the ordinary for me so early in my pack.
How long can Plan B mess with your body after you’ve taken it? I got a normal withdrawal bleed after the incident so I know what I’m feeling is probably (maybe?) from the EC.
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Re: Plan B

Unread post by Heather »

Some people don't experience any side effects, others can for as long as a couple cycles after using it.

Since you are already on the pill, then added Plan B, it's not surprising you are experiencing a good deal of nausea. The hormones involved in both can create that as a common side effect, so basically more than doubling them makes that effect very likely.

I'd say to just keep an eye on it. If it goes on much longer, or gets more severe, I'd suggest just calling into a healthcare provider to check in with them about it.
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