Pregancy Scared stressed paranoid

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Pregancy Scared stressed paranoid

Unread post by Bird123 »


I had sex with my boyfriend January 11, 2018. We used a condom and the pull out method. After every intercourse we check too see if it broke, but this time we forgot. Im sure it didn’t break because based on all breakage causes: it was bought in november 2017, so it was definitely not expired. My boyfriend had just brought it from home, he had them in his drawer, not in his wallet, and he told me he wore it the correct way (now that he knows how to wear one because of the many sex ed he has had) BUT we did not use any extra lubrication. That’s why I am afraid it might have broken. Our intercourse was VERY short, something in between 5-8 minutes, but he still ejaculated, but when he did he pulled out in time. (I saw the ejaculation happening outside and he withdrawled a few seconds before he came). I am not in the pill or have any other birthcontrol. Even though we had two types of Birth control, I am VERY scared they failed. I am scared that the condom broke and that I got that pre ejaculation in my vagina, causing pregnancy. Its now January 26 and my period is due January 28. Since January 11, ive been VERY, could say extemely paranoid and stressed. So much that is now affecting my relationship with my partner because Im moody all the time. I only told one friend, and she tells me to relax, but I CAN’T relax because if I get pregnant my life will get ALL FUCKED UP. Im sorry for the bad word, but that’s how I have felt since we had sex to today. Oh, I didn’t mention that I was ovulating on the day we had sex, that’s why im very scared too. Oh god im so stupid, I wish I just hadent had sex and avoided all of this stress. Okay so moving on, my breasts are growing and they’re kinda tender, I usually get that when My period is coming, but I fear it is a pregnancy syntom. Today morning, I had this weird wet thingie on my panty liner, it was not red, but like a very very light kind of light pink. I hope its just a sign of my period coming in a couple days and not a “vaginal spotting or bleeding” pregnancy symptom. I have been so stressed out that my upper back hurts, I can’t get my things done in school, I have heavy headaches, and a mood. I feel that the only thing that matters right now is this. So life is nothing to me right now. PLEASE HELP ME. SOME WORDS WILL HELP. PLEASE RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Im paranoid and stressed and its getting worse each time. ps: i have read like 2 articles from this page, they are amazing. HELP PLEASE HELP ME.
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Re: Pregancy Scared stressed paranoid

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Bird,

Welcome to Scarleteen. I need to close this thread as per our policy, but feel free to post about other topics.

See below:

We will not answer ANY questions about pregnancy fear or anxiety in our direct services from users who are not pregnant or who are not or have not otherwise been directly involved with an actual pregnancy.

Please do not post this kind of question. If you are seeing this text, and your thread is locked, it is because you have posted this kind of question.

We CAN and WILL talk about things like:
• choosing and using a method or methods of contraception for any future sexual activity
• creating your own sexual limits and boundaries based on your needs and/or presenting them to any partners
• making sexual choices that suit your own needs, abilities and limitations, including your own readiness for certain possible risks
• help locating or using emergency contraception if and when you have had a pregnancy risk
• discussing options with a real, existing pregnancy, and help finding and accessing those options, such as abortion services and pre-natal care, or discussing feelings or concerns about a past pregnancy
• help with anxiety like locating mental health services, sound self-help or asking for support from friends or family

For help dealing with a scare (including what poses a risk and your next steps based on your unique situation), you may use our tool on site built for this purpose: The Pregnancy Panic Companion.
For help with anxiety, click here.
For related help and information at Scarleteen, click here.
If you would like more information about this policy, click here.
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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