Withdrawal bleeding

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Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by kert96 »

Hi all!!

I have some doubts about the placebo week.
So from what I've read, technically I am still protected while I'm taking the sugar pills. And I was on those pills of my third pack ever, I had unprotected sex (he "pull out") and the very same day I got my withdrawal bleeding.
I was reading some articles and blogs on the internet and they say that even if I got my period that does not mean I'm not pregnant. Does it is entirely true? What are the changes to get your period and still get pregnant?
I'm not really worried to be honest, I do not want a pregnancy though...just wondering if I should be more careful when in the placebo week.

Thanks a lot!
Sam W
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Kert,

The pills are as effective during the placebo week as they are during the rest of the pack so there is no need to be more careful when on them. You can read more about that here: How do birth control pills really work, even during the placebo period?

A person who is pregnant will not get a period (or a withdrawal bleed). What often leads people to think this happened is that they get decidual bleeding and assume it is a period. However, pregnancy does not occur immediately so the withdrawal bleed you got would not guarantee you didn't get pregnant from this latest encounter. But, you're on the pill and as long as you're taking it correctly you can assume it did it's job.

Are you comfortable not using condoms? Or is that something you would prefer to do?
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by kert96 »

Okay, got it. Thanks!
I definitely will read the placebo week article!

And actually, when my partner and I started having sex we only used condoms for BC method. I still wouldn't feel protected enough so that's when I started taking the pill.. The thing is, I don't quite enjoy sex if we use a condom (and we've tried different types/brands), so we decided to use only the pills and the "pull out" method.

Maybe you could help me a little more with this, I don't know if it's normal for me, a woman, to actually not feeling that much pleasure when using a condom.. or maybe I need to give it more time (this is the first relationship where I'm having sex, everything is new for me).

Thanks! :)
Sam W
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by Sam W »

You're welcome!

Condoms can change the specific sensations of sex, and they'll feel a little different to each person because every body reacts a little differently to the textures of condoms. As you said, this may be a matter of getting used to feeling, or of continuing to experiment with different types of condoms. Have you ever had the opportunity to try an internal (AKA female) condom?
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by Heather »

I really like being something of a contraceptive or condom detective, so if you'd like some detailed help figuring out how to make condoms work for you, I'd be glad to do that.

Like sam asked, I'm curious if you have tried internal condoms or others that are not latex, but made of nonlatex materials (like Trojan's SKYN condoms, as one example). I also wonder if you have tried a textured condom.

But I am really wondering if you're using additional lubricant with condoms when you use them. Because, for sure, when condoms don't stay very well-lubricated -- and what the body alone can provide doesn't work as well with condoms as it does without -- they can tend to make sex with them feel pretty lousy.
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by kert96 »

Besides "normal" condoms and some textured ones, I haven't tried internal condoms or made of nonlatex materials.. definitely that's something I will discuss with my partner!

Also, now that you mention it.. I do struggle with natural lubrication. At first I thought it was because it was all new to me and I was really focused on everything and so tense.. then I kind of started to relax and it did help, even more when we don't use condoms! But, I still feel like I should be lubricating more (I think this because I sometimes masturbate, and the difference in self lubrication is really big. I don't know if that's something normal).
I have thought of telling my boyfriend to buy some lube, but I don't know how to approach the subject. Like I said, i feel like I could lubricate enough to make sex a lot more enjoyable, only I can't figure out how to properly relax and all..
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Re: Withdrawal bleeding

Unread post by Mo »

There's nothing wrong with keeping some lube on hand, even if you later find that you are able to self-lubricate enough that you don't need as much of it, or any at all. I think there can be a common idea that if someone needs to use lubricant it means their body's doing something wrong, but that really isn't the case. You can't control how much lubrication your body produces at different times, so it's just fine to use it when you need it.
Lube is a tool that's there to help sex feel more enjoyable, and there's nothing wrong with using a tool that's there to assist you. I definitely think it would be a good thing to try out, and it's something you could bring up when you talk to your partner about other condom options.
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