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Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:24 pm
by Anxienik
I had sex with my boyfriend during the evening of valentine’s day. He was pretty aggressive and excited. I bled during and after the deed so I think that was my first rough sex. The same night until the next day, I was still bleeding a bit and I can feel the outside of my vagina sore so I thought maybe I was not well lubricated. The evening of 15th, it was already browish blood discharge so I thought maybe it was healing already. Yesterday (16th), I had spotting so I thought maybe it’s still in the process of healing. But today (17th) I peed and I’m really bleeding! It feels like I’m on my period again. I’m freaking out! My last day of period was the 11th. I’m taking birth control pills religiously to regulate my period but sometimes I take it 2-3 hours late than my usual time and on that particular day (14th) I don’t remember what time I took it but I know that I took it the same evening. He also used condoms but I don’t know if any of it failed or got tore because he didn’t say anything! What could be the meaning of this sudden bleeding/period? I’m really anxious and frustrated right now :( please help :(

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:52 pm
by Anxienik
UPDATE: He said it didn’t tore at all and he’a confident about the condoms that he used.

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:32 am
by Heather
It sounds pretty clearly like what happened here was that you probably were injured. A lack of adequate lubrication as well as someone being rough or aggressive is likely to result in abrasions, which are likely to result in bleeding.

Where are you at with the bleeding today?

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:37 pm
by Anxienik
Heather wrote:It sounds pretty clearly like what happened here was that you probably were injured. A lack of adequate lubrication as well as someone being rough or aggressive is likely to result in abrasions, which are likely to result in bleeding.

Where are you at with the bleeding today?
During the whole day yesterday, there was almost none. Just a really slight spotting but what I notice is that whenever I hold me pee in for a long time when I’m asleep until I can’t hold it anymore, then when I finally pee and kinda force it all the pee out, when I look at the toilet bowl, there’s blood. Is the wound being opened everytime I do that?

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:39 pm
by Anxienik
But if I don’t hold in and go whenever nature calls me, there’s none. I’m thinking that maybe because of the force I use that the wound is being opened

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:43 am
by Heather
You don’t urinate through the vaginal opening, but through the urinary opening (which is nearby, but a totally different place), so no, what you’re thinking isn’t sound.

However, I’m concerned about a possible infection for you with what you’re now describing, like a urinary tract or kidney infection. Do you have access to general healthcare?

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 6:07 pm
by Anxienik
Hi! Yes I know it’s a different “hole” but maybe I thought that because of the pressure I put, the vagina also feels pressure.
Today I didn’t bleed at all—no spotting either. I feel a bit relieved. We never done it again because I told him my worries and he understands it.
I have access to general healthcare but I did had UTI when I was in college. Do you think it has something to do with that? Thank you!

Re: Bleeding after 3-4 days of having sex means?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:13 pm
by Mo
Having had a UTI in the past isn't necessarily related to what you're experiencing now (although some people can be more prone to UTIs than others), but since what you're describing does sound like it could be related to an infection, it's a good idea to check in with a doctor about it. If untreated, a urinary tract infection can cause more serious issues, so it's important to have someone take a look to make sure that isn't the issue.