New To Sex

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:55 pm
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New To Sex

Unread post by HarperTheWriter »

So to get straight to the point my boyfriend and I have only been having sex for a few months, usually it was a once in while thing but I just moved into an apartment with some friends and now it's been a lot more often that we're having sex. I use to really enjoy having sex, and I still do, but now it makes me feel kind of crappy? I don't know, it just seems like he doesn't appreciate me anymore. To explain further whenever he wants to do it he expects I do, which a lot of the time I do I enjoy sex and I'm okay with that, but if I want to have sex and he doesn't he kind of responds rudely with a "haha, sorry, no I'm not feeling it." and even when we're having sex once he's finished we're pretty much done even if I'm not. It didn't use to be like this before I got my own apartment and I just don't know how to start resolving this problem... It's definitely fixable, I love my boyfriend and he's super nice I just don't think he thinks about how he's acting lately.
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Age: 54
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Location: Chicago

Re: New To Sex

Unread post by Heather »

Have you said any of this to him yet? If so, can you tell me how that conversation went? If not, can you fill me in on why you haven't talked with him about this yet, or what you feel like is keeping you from that?
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