Missed 7 days of birth control while having sex

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Missed 7 days of birth control while having sex

Unread post by kels28 »

I accidentally started my new pack of BC on the sugar pills and was having otherwise unprotected sex. What are the chances of pregnancy?
Sam W
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Re: Missed 7 days of birth control while having sex

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi kels,

We can't say for certain what the exact odds are, but what we can say is that this does pose an increased risk of pregnancy for you (I'm assuming this accident lead to you having two sugar pill weeks back to back, but please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Your best bet is to look at this article and find the steps to follow that apply to your situation: The Pregnancy Panic Companion

I also want to check: are you and your partner up to date on your STI tests?
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Re: Missed 7 days of birth control while having sex

Unread post by Heather »

Just FYI, if this occurred within the last 120 hours, emergency contraception (like Plan B or Ella) can reduce your pregnancy risks. If you want to use that, it’s best to take as soon as possible.

You should also figure you will may have the full effectiveness of your pill until you have completed one full cycle of active pills, and should use a backup method in the meantime.
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