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Unread post by Moodie543 »

I haven’t had a period in about 2 years. I get cramps and everything but nothing actually happens. I think it stopped when I started masturbating. I don’t know if my masturbating had stopped up my ability to menstruate or what, but I’m super scared BC I have a gynocologist app. in a few days and I’m worried that the doctor will say I have cancer or something. Can u even get vagina cancer? I’m also scared because I like not having a period. I know that it’s probably super unhealthy not having one, but i like that I don’t have to worry about all the bad things that come with having a period. So I guess what Im asking for is reassurance, maybe? Is this okay? Am I okay? Does masturbating have the ability to stop periods? Please help asap. Thx
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Re: Period?

Unread post by Mo »

While we really can't know why your period has stopped, we can say for sure that masturbation wasn't the cause of it; masturbation just doesn't have the power to impact your menstrual cycle in any way. Unless you do something painful while masturbating by accident, it isn't something that can hurt you or have harmful effects on your body.

It's good that you have an appointment to see a gynecologist even though it's intimidating! Maybe you can think of it this way: it might be scary to think about knowing for sure if there's a problem, but if there is an underlying health issue here, knowing that it exists is the first step towards treating it. Not knowing and not having a doctor check things out might be less immediately stressful, but if there is a health issue to address, ignoring it won't help. Not having a period isn't necessarily a sign of a horrible problem (and I wouldn't assume it's related to cancer, for sure!), but it's certainly a reason to talk to a gynecologist and have an exam.
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