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Unread post by nikkibaker »

so how do you tell someone you care about them more then they think you do and worry about them a lot because i'm not sure how to tell my bestie that i care for him a lot more then he knows?
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Re: besties

Unread post by Heather »

Maybe just like that?

I'm not sure where you're getting your ideas about what your friend knows or thinks, unless he's telling you those thoughts and feelings. But really, we tell someone we care for them a lot by telling someone we care for them a lot, when it all comes down to it.

I don't know what you're worried about, but if you want to express concerns you have about someone, then -- and pardon me if this sounds obvious, but it's just super-hard to give you anything other than very general advice with so little information -- you can just tell them what those worries are about. Additionally, you can offer any help or support within your ability with whatever that is, too.
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