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Menstrual Cups & UTIs

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K. Pryde
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Menstrual Cups & UTIs

Unread post by K. Pryde »

So a couple months ago I switched from pads to using a DivaCup, and I love everything about it, it's awesome. However, right around the end of my last period, I came down with a raging urinary tract infection. I'd never had one before, and the symptoms were really intense and awful. It was an insanely terrible experience that I never, ever want to repeat.

What are the chances the DivaCup had anything to do with the UTI? (I asked my doctor this, but she actually wasn't familiar with menstrual cups and couldn't give much of an answer.) Should I go back to pads for a while (how long?) and see if I get another UTI?
Eddie C
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Re: Menstrual Cups & UTIs

Unread post by Eddie C »

I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad time with UTI's, K. Pride. I know it can be very painful an uncomfortable to deal with it.

Menstrual cups are not associated with an increase risk of UTI's or even yeast infections. As long as you change/empty your cup at least every 12 hours and clean it before inserting it again, cups are actually very safe to use. :)

UTI's are sometimes tricky and can be caused for many reasons, even just not drinking enough water can be the cause. You said you have been using meanstrual cups for a couple of months, did the UTI started when you started using them or just at the end of the last period?

I'm also leaving this article about UTI's that might be helpful to read. ... t_damn_uti
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Re: Menstrual Cups & UTIs

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

As a cup user, I feel that there are two ways that using cups can contribute to getting urinal tract infections. Both of them are avoidable, with a bit of awareness and extra care.

- Fumbling around in the area close to your urethra with unwashed hands.
Solution: wash your hands before removing your cup.

- Incomplete urination due to the rim of the cup pressing on your urethra inside your body.
Solution: give yourself more time to finish, and do a few Kegels to push the cup upwards to free your urethra so the last bit of urine can run out of your bladder.

I'm not sure that you did anything wrong. It may just be a coincidence. However, it's good to be aware of how these things work for some of us!

Edit: sorry, now I see that this is an area for user-to-staff discussion. I missed that. I'll be careful to avoid posting here in the future.
Eddie C
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Re: Menstrual Cups & UTIs

Unread post by Eddie C »

It's okay, Snorkmaiden. And thanks for your input.

These are good points to be aware. :)
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