Can girls masturbate prone? If so is it negative?

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Can girls masturbate prone? If so is it negative?

Unread post by sonatine6728 »

Hi I’m a new user and I have a couple of questions. My first one is can girls masturbate prone like boys and I ask this because I was researching about how I can enjoy being fingered more (more on this later) and I found out I don’t masturbate like everyone else. I masturbate by humping things which is clit stimulation and I was wondering if this is bad for me and a form of prone masturbation. I usually press against something hard. I am very worried because I don’t want this to impact how my boyfriend fingers me, as I am really attached to him and I want for us to be closer and to be able to please each other. Is the way I masturbate wrong and damaging to my body and will it damage future relationships? Currently fingering feels alright but it’s not amazing and I just want it to feel good for both of us.
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Re: Can girls masturbate prone? If so is it negative?

Unread post by Siân »

Hi sonatine!

Welcome to the boards :)

First off, people masturbate in all kinds of different ways and no, I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are describing. There is not one way that "everyone else" masturbates so we get to figure out what feels good to us! Here's a good article on masturbation: How Do You Masturbate?

What about partnered sexual activities? Well, again we all have different preferences. You say manual sex - fingering - hasn't been super exciting so far and that's ok. Time to figure out what DOES feel awesome with your partner! To do that the first step is always communicating: what feels good? what is pretty ordinary? Talk about it!

Try reading these:
Be a Blabbermouth! The Whats, Whys and Hows of Talking About Sex With a Partner
With Pleasure: A View of Whole Sexual Anatomy for Every Body

And then have a think, and a chat with your boyfriend. Maybe manual sex isn't your thing, or maybe you'd like it in a different way - more focused on external stimulation for example - or with more lube, or maybe you just need to be more aroused from other things like kissing first.
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