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Mirena + sore nips :(

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:07 pm
by amy_schnurr
Hi all. I have had a Mirena for just under three years and experience some spotting and cramping at irregular intervals, but I never really have a normal period. Over the last few days my nipples have been extremely sore, which has never happened before. I have also been having a little spotting and cramping. I live in a small town so getting to a doctor is a bit of an issue, which is why I thought I would ask here first. I should mention that I have been under a lot of emotional stress the last few weeks as my father died unexpectedly a a couple of weeks ago. Is this something I need to get checked out, or should I just wait until it goes away? Thanks!

Re: Mirena + sore nips :(

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:41 pm
by Heather
This is not even remotely likely to be related to your IUD, however nipple pain should be looked at if you can.

I am sorry about your loss. <3

Re: Mirena + sore nips :(

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:45 pm
by amy_schnurr
Hi there! I'm not worried that my IUD is causing this soreness. I was just asking if it is normal to still experience hormonal symptoms (cramping, breast pain, spotting etc) unexpectedly on a hormonal IUD, especially if I have never had them before while using it. I did used to get breast and nipple soreness while I was on the pill. Thanks!

Re: Mirena + sore nips :(

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:25 am
by Heather
Not like this, no. The hormone in your IUD -- which isn't a hormonal method, since the hormone isn't actually what makes it work -- is localized. It's just a tiny, tiny amount meant to counteract IUD side effects on the uterus, like heavier cramping during periods. It isn't going all through your bloodstream like the hormones in a hormonal method like the pill do, nor is it even close to the amount of hormone (and is only one, a progestin) in the pill or other hormonal methods.