My first sex toy

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My first sex toy

Unread post by Chimichanga »


Ok so Imma be real. I haven't had the smoothest relationship with masturbation. Most of the times, my sexual drive get's easily turned off during masturbating. But lately, I've been quite interested in penetration. I've only ever done clitoral stimulation and fingers are annoying. I'm not 18 but I will be soon. There's a designated sex shop but it's not very close to me and it's 18+. I thought I'd wait till I'm 18 to purchase a dildo or something, but it's kinda overwhelming jumping into a store like that with so many options. But I have a drug store nearby with some toys I never really understood. Is it even worth considering over a designated sex toy shop? Should I just wait? I'm also even shy of trying to purchase at the drug store and being asked my age and/or having an awkward occurence. I looked at your diy sex toys and thought maybe I should use a vegetable lol. But I don't know how to choose condoms and again, afraid of awkward occurrence. And overall, being found out cuz my mom goes into my room a lot without asking me. I mean, sometimes she just looks and sometimes she looks in the closet. IDK. I'm probably gonna repeat some things here in another message for self assurance. Thanks!
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Re: My first sex toy

Unread post by Heather »

There are two main things a good sex toy shop can offer you: variety in your choices and help finding the toys that are most likely to be what you actually want. Since good (and safe) toys aren't often inexpensive, that's a big deal.

However, there's no age limit for things a drug store sells, so the concern about being carded is something you don't have to worry about.
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Re: My first sex toy

Unread post by Chimichanga »

Thanks for that reassurance! Are drug store toys ok safety wise though or is that not an issue and the only difference would be in variety?
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Re: My first sex toy

Unread post by Sam W »

Drug store options should be safe, although as we mention in the D.I.Y article there are some safety considerations with certain items (for example, don't use a Hitachi Magic Wand in the bath because it's plugged in). And yep, you're going to have less variety in items to choose from in a drug store.
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