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Intersex Fertility

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:58 pm
by ameliap
What are the rates of fertility among intersex individuals? I know intersex is a spectrum and was mostly wondering about people with testes/vagina/uterus.

Re: Intersex Fertility

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:00 am
by Heather
I'm not sure we have a data source for one general "rate" or fertility (there really isn't such a thing, period: that tends to be established by the incidence of pregnancies or live births, for any population) for intersex people. Too, if fertility is impacted (it isn't always), and if so, how impacted, depends on the specific kind of intersex condition at hand. All of this is also complicated by the fact that sometimes in doing (usually unnecessary) surgeries on intersex infants, the ability to procreate is being changed, not by being intersex, but by those surgeries.

Is there a specific condition you or someone you know has and you're looking for information about?