birth control lateness

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birth control lateness

Unread post by haylzya »

Hi there!

I’ve been on OTC for ~7 years now. I’m a great pill taker and have only missed maybe 1-3 pills in the past years.

I recently was supposed to start a new pill pack (March 19th) around 11PM at night. I was busy with school and didn’t end up taking my first pill in my pack until around 9AM the following morning (March 20th). I proceeded to take that days pill at the regular time of 11PM. I’m still on this pill pack, and took the remainder of the pills correctly at the right time.

Last night, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. I’ve been reading conflicting things on the internet about starting a pill pack late. I know I was only late starting by less than 12 hours and I proceeded to take more than 7 pills in a row before having any intercourse.

Is this enough to protect me from pregnancy? Thanks!
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Re: birth control lateness

Unread post by Siân »

Hi haylzya,

The reason you're reading different things on the internet is that every brand of birth control is a little different in terms of how late you have to take a pill for it to count as late or missed. You should check the instructions that came in the box with yours to see what they say. Many brands are unaffected by what you have described but if you are concerned you can back up with a second method of contraception such as condoms and take a pregnancy test once at least 14 days has passed from the sex you are concerned about.
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