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Sexuality changes

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:26 pm
by Randomanonomous
So I'm pretty sure it's been proven that sexuality is a spectrum. But for some reason if somone chooses a label and later tried to change it people say that no one can trust them anymore. And that makes no sense! Sexuality can fluctuate, and it's often a part of growing up to question your sexuality as you change and evolve as a person. My family doesn't want to to "pick a label" because if I later decide there's one that I resonate more with then people will think that I'm just going to keep changing my mind. I don't understand what's wrong with being a younger teen that questioning sexuality, going with the label you think suits you best and later on realizing that there's one that's more accurate!

Re: Sexuality changes

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:54 am
by Siân
Hi Randomanonomous

You know, I don't think any of us at Scarleteen would say that sexuality is a static thing. I also can't imagine any of us telling you that you can't use the words you feel suit you best at a given time, or telling you those words can't change. Yes, you get to define your identity, yes that may change over time. I'm sorry that it doesn't sound like you're getting much support from your family on this right now.

If you'd like to read some other people's stories about figuring things out then I think that The Answers (for Now) is a lovely series. I also like this on the process of questioning Q is for Questioning.

For the record, the way I see it not trusting someone because the words they use to describe their sexuality change over time sounds like a bit of an ass move to me. We're here if you need us :)