Not sure if I’m masturbating right and a few other questions

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Not sure if I’m masturbating right and a few other questions

Unread post by marilos87 »

Hi Scarleteen, is it normal that I can only seem to orgasm from clitoral stimulation?

My masturbation technique is a little odd. I’ve looked up ways to masturbate online but nothing has suggested this technique. I lay on my stomach on my bed and I use the palms of both my hands to play with my clit until I orgasm. Is that normal? That doesn’t make me attracted to girls right because my palms are kind of shaped like a vagina? I’m definitely not attracted to girls.

Also, when my boyfriend plays with my clit it seems to be very sensitive. It feels good but I can’t seem to stay still when he’s playing with it because it’s so sensitive. Why is that? Is that normal? He says my clit is very small could that be a reason?

Sorry for all the questions I’m just very confused.
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Re: Not sure if I’m masturbating right and a few other questions

Unread post by Mo »

It's very common for people to find that they reach orgasm solely or primarily through clitoral stimulation!
In terms of your masturbation technique, people find all sorts of ways to masturbate, and whatever way feels best to you is totally fine. How you masturbate or what part of your hand you use doesn't say anything about your sexual orientation or what kinds of people you're attracted to.

Some people's clitorises are more sensitive than others, and some people prefer really direct stimulation, while others like being touched more indirectly. You might ask your boyfriend to touch your clitoris through your clitoral hood, or to use the palm of his hand so the sensation is spread out more, just like you do when masturbating, to see if things like that feel better to you. There isn't necessarily a reason for differences in sensitivity other than the fact that people's bodies and reactions to stimulation are all a little different!
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