Period Problems

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Period Problems

Unread post by nerdgirl40 »

For the past five months or so I've noticed my menstrual cycle has been changing. I used to consistently get a period every 30-33 days for about two years. Starting in November though they started to change. I would get one after 24 days, then not have one for 48 days, then one back to normal of 32 days and then the next one being 22 days. I am currently waiting for my period now and it has already been 35 days since my last one. When it does come it feels like my normal period. It lasts 4-5 days, has a normal flow, and I fortunately hardly have any cramps or PMS symptoms.

I would say I had only been consistent at 30-33 days for maybe two years as that is when I really started tracking my periods. Before that it took about 5 years to really get on a regular schedule.

I'm almost 21 now and I would say I definitely have a lot of things that could impact my period. Last September I switched into a very competitive university program of which finals are upcoming in the next two weeks. I also deal with a lot of anxiety but I am getting better with that as I recently started seeing a therapist. I try to eat a balanced diet and exercise. I can definitely think of specific stressors that may have caused some of my really irregular periods (the 48 day one for instance) and I have experienced a cold in the past month which could be causing my period to be late this month. I'm definitely not pregnant and I am not on any hormonal birth control.

Other than this menstrual irregularity I feel completely fine and feel like this is probably caused by stress which has made me hesitant to go to my regular doctor as my yearly appointment is coming up in the summer so I don't want to go before then.

Should I be more worried about this than I already am? I know you're not a doctor but any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
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Re: Period Problems

Unread post by Heather »

It's actually pretty normal for flow to lighten and cramps to reduce with periods as you get past your teens. It's also common for periods to be irregular sometimes, especially during times where you've got a lot on your plate.

Personally, unless you have other symptoms with any of this, I don't see a cause for concern or any need to mention it before your next appointment.
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