Is it possible for my disability to get in the way of me enjoying masturbating?

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Is it possible for my disability to get in the way of me enjoying masturbating?

Unread post by Solrise »

Hi, i am 26 and was born with a large list of disabilities and problems, as I got older i found out about masturbating as most boys do at a young age but it seems that for me I feel nothing at all before, during or after masturbating. My own personal theory is that is has to do with the fact that my brain on certain levels functions differently, as I don’t feel
Most emotions either. Now this would not really bother me if I was was able to get into the mood to begin with but it seems that my body’s ability to finish properly as it should. Even though the amount is more then drastically stated. I am not sure if there is anything that I can do
About my lack feeling in that area or
If it’s just connected to my over all
Inability to feel most emotions. I hope someone is able to give me some where to start atleast.
Sam W
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Re: Is it possible for my disability to get in the way of me enjoying masturbating?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Solrise,

Depending on the exact nature of the disabilities,it's possible that they are influencing how you're able to masturbate or how your brain responds to that masturbation. But, that necessarily mean that masturbation is completely off the table as something you'll be able to do and enjoy. If you haven't already, I suggest starting out by checking out this article to see if there are any parts of it that are relevant to what you're experiencing: ... disability

You mention that you don't experience pleasure during masturbation. Can I ask if there are non-sexual things in your life that bring you pleasure when you do them?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Is it possible for my disability to get in the way of me enjoying masturbating?

Unread post by Solrise »

Very rarely is there anything that does but watching certain comedy anime I can laugh at for small amount of scenes. I guess that I enjoy playing dungeons and dragons but I don’t feel anything while playing that which is what it’s like for all my hobbies.
Sam W
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Re: Is it possible for my disability to get in the way of me enjoying masturbating?

Unread post by Sam W »

Got it. It sounds very possible that you're correct in your assumption that your difficulty feeling sexual pleasure being connected to a broader disability. Given that possibility, what would be the most helpful way for us to move forward with this conversation? For example, is masturbation something you want to be able to enjoy and so you'd like to talk about ways to try and make that happen? Or is there something else you'd prefer to focus on?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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