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Am I not attracted or just not comfortable?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:48 pm
by Jacob
We have a new advice column up:
So I'm in high school and I've been having a "thing" with this really sweet guy for the past two months. It makes me really uncomfortable that everyone seems to be so involved in our relationship! They all want to know about our dates, our hookups, if we've talked yet that day.... EVERYTHING! Even though I like the guy, I feel pressured by others to move forwards with the relationship faster than I would go by myself. All my friends have had sex and have been in/are in serious relationships, but because this is my first relationship, I want to move really slowly. They treat kissing in an incredibly casual manner, but it's kind of scary to me still! All this is making me want to distance myself from the guy, even though he's very kind and understanding. I don't know how to make myself more comfortable with being intimate with him, and tune my friends out. Help!
Heather answers here: Am I not attracted or just not comfortable?