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Curious about masturbation

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:12 am
by Maeve
Hello Scarleteen staff. I'm a 24 virgin girl and after some months I started to "masturbate" just by rubbing my clit, using some videos to watch when I do it. I wanted to know how many times you can do that in a healthy way? Once a week? Everyday? Because sometimes I do it days in a row. It feels nice, I feel relaxed after to do it (all my body feels tickles, and I feel a little bit dizzy, but is a good dizzy).

Thank you!

Re: Curious about masturbation

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:59 pm
by Mo
It's ok to masturbate as often as you want! If that's every day, or even multiple times a day, that's totally fine; there isn't an amount of masturbation that's harmful or unhealthy. If you find that you're ever sore after masturbating, then you may want to take a short break and not masturbate again until that pain or soreness has gone away, but that's it.