Iud Strings
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Iud Strings
Ive had my kyleena iud for almost a full 3 months now and ive never been able to feel my strings. I try to really get up there! I did bave an ultrasound a few days after insertion to confirm placement as all was well. Is it bad that i cant feel them?
Ive had my kyleena iud for almost a full 3 months now and ive never been able to feel my strings. I try to really get up there! I did bave an ultrasound a few days after insertion to confirm placement as all was well. Is it bad that i cant feel them?
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Re: Iud Strings
Nope. It's standard now for providers to cut the strings very, very short, so you may not be able to feel them.
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Re: Iud Strings
So if I loose my period which it seems like that now and I can’t feel my strings what should I do to tell it’s protecting me?
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Re: Iud Strings
There's really nothing to do! You had an ultrasound to confirm that it was inserted and placed properly so you know that part's taken care of. If your doctor talked to you about anything to watch out for, or signs of a problem, you can keep an eye out for those, but there's really nothing else you need to do at this point. The sign that it's protecting you is simply that it's there!