Dating sites and apps?

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Location: Parma,Ohio

Dating sites and apps?

Unread post by KittyPink »

Any suggestions for trans and lesbian/queer woman friendly dating apps? Since I'm coming up on 18 in like 11 days, I was considering making a Tinder when my birthday rolls around. But like any words of caution or tips?
"You are a dreamcatcher, you are beautiful to look at and you take the bad away and only give people the good." - Andrea Blankenship


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Re: Dating sites and apps?

Unread post by Heather »

Honestly, in your situation at home, I'd be curious how you're going to swing dating?

I know how endlessly frustrating and isolating this must be, but since it seems like so long as you're still living there, you won't actually be able to date, I can't help but think that connecting yourself to a ton of people who CAN date, and seeing what could be but it out of reach, might wind up making you feel worse instead of better, you know?
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not a newbie
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Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:11 pm
Age: 24
Awesomeness Quotient: I do art.
Primary language: English
Pronouns: Xe/Xir or She/her
Sexual identity: Lesbian, switch, polyam, rope addict.
Location: Parma,Ohio

Re: Dating sites and apps?

Unread post by KittyPink »

Honestly, I hadn't really given that much thought... Maybe I'll think through a bit more, and think about how exactly I'm going about doing these sort of things.
"You are a dreamcatcher, you are beautiful to look at and you take the bad away and only give people the good." - Andrea Blankenship


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