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Bacterial Vaginosis / Yeast

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:12 pm
by kert96
Hi guys!

So, a little bit of background: I'm currently in a sexual relationship. This person is someone I trust and I I know is not dating/having sex with anyone else. He's the only person I've been in a sexual way.
We've started having sex a year ago, we would be together once every month because we hardly had the chance... but a few months ago we've started to have sex more frequently.

The problem: since then, I've started noticing that I get yeast infection more often, I thought I was not being clean enough with myself so I took care of the infection (went to a general doctor) and everything went back to normal.
Then we had sex again (multiple times in a week) and again: I got an infection! :x this time I went to a Gyn and he diagnosed Bacterial Vaginosis, I got the treatment and got "cured".

We agreed to wait some time before "do it" again. Almost a month went by and on last Friday we had sex, I had no symptoms in the weekend, so we had sex yesterday too, and today EVERYTHING ITCHES! so I guess my infection is back.

What I'm going with this is, apparently everything is Ok with sporadic sex. Once it gets "frequent" my pH levels go crazzyy. Has anyone been through something like this? What could be the reason?

We tried changing condoms and nothing.
We tried lube and nothing.
We tried cleaning ourselves before AND after sex and nothing.

Re: Bacterial Vaginosis / Yeast

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:44 am
by Siân
Hi kert96

It sounds like you're taking a lot of sound steps to look after your sexual health here, and it's time to go see a healthcare professional again. If you are having frequent or recurrent infections that is something that needs to be checked out. It's worth giving them the background that you've given us when you speak to them.

Itching can be a symptom of a number of different infections so I wouldn't assume that it's BV again.

In the meantime as well as the good hygiene you already mentioned, and holding off sexual activity when you've got symptoms, it's worth thinking about other good habits: wearing cotton underwear and avoiding thongs, eating a balanced diet and not using scented products or douches on your genitals are all good for keeping them healthy.

Re: Bacterial Vaginosis / Yeast

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:06 am
by Heather
Has your partner seen their doctor yet? If not, that’s the next step I would suggest, to be sure they don’t have an infection you keep picking up.

Re: Bacterial Vaginosis / Yeast

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:13 pm
by Boxers&socks
Hi kert96,

Sorry to hear you're dealing with this. I can definitely relate as I've dealt with chronic yeast infections in the past and it was a real pain! I agree that another visit to a healthcare professional for you and your partner is probably a good idea, as it's best to be sure what you're dealing with before trying to treat an infection. Other than sex, have you noticed that anything else triggers infections? Have you noticed any changes in your stress levels, diet, or alcohol intake (sugar)? It may be worth thinking about these factors before you go see your doctor, as that might help them address some of the root causes of your infections. Good luck and I hope the itching goes away soon! Sending solidarity :)