Back-Up With IUD?

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Back-Up With IUD?

Unread post by Reelgirl »


I’m in a monogamous relationship and have an IUD, but have always used condoms for added protection. I read the buddy system article and saw that there wasn’t a huge efficacy difference in adding condoms vs withdrawal. If STDs aren’t a concern, does it make sense to keep using condoms, or would withdrawal as a back up be just as effective?
Alice O
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Re: Back-Up With IUD?

Unread post by Alice O »

Hi Reelgirl,

Good eye! As you can tell from the Buddy System article, IUDs are incredibly effective at preventing pregnancy on their own--99.2% effective with typical use. IUD + condom is 99.88% effective, and IUD + withdrawal is 99.78% effective. (For comparison, a condom by itself is 86% effective on its own, and withdrawal is only 73% effective.) So if STIs are not a concern, given that the difference in effectiveness between IUD + condom and IUD + withdrawal is so small, it is up to you which combination you would prefer/feel more comfortable with.

Re: STIs, how long have you been sexually exclusive with this partner and when was both of your last STI check?
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Re: Back-Up With IUD?

Unread post by Reelgirl »

Hi Alice,
About a year. My last check was in December, but I haven’t ever discussed it with him.
Sam W
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Re: Back-Up With IUD?

Unread post by Sam W »

Got it. So, it sounds like a good next step would be to discuss your STI status with each other just so everyone is on the same page ( you can also find the recommend guidelines for STI testing while in a relationship in this article: Safe, Sound & Sexy: A Safer Sex How-To ). Do you feel like you know how to get that conversation started?
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