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Feeling sick from Birth Control?

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Feeling sick from Birth Control?

Unread post by Kim_2704 »

Hello :), I'd first like to thank you for all the handy information on this website. I've read most of the articles, and, though some of them helped a lot to clear up my mind, and I've been trying to hold myself from asking obvious stuff, I'm feeling so sick and off that I couldn't help. I'll give some background information before my actual question.
On July 24 I was 8 days late on my period and seriously worried about pregnancy, though I had used condoms and the withdrawal method combined every time, without any visible failures. By then I had already taken 3 pregnancy tests; 2 hpts and a qualitative blood one. I had never been so anxious in my life. All of them came out negative and, as I couldn't ease my mind, I decided to book an appointment to the OB/GYN. After hearing my story and knowing my negative tests results, he sent me to get a transvaginal ultrasound. No baby appeared there, but I had multiple tiny cysts on both ovaries. The doctor told me I wasn't pregnant and had just had an hormonal imbalance. He prescribed me Provera for 5 days, and seven days after stopping it, I'd get my period. That appointment eased my mind for a while, and I did get a full period exactly on the 7th day. I called the doctor and told him I had got my period and he prescribed me Diane 35 pills for 6 months. However, I still had some remaining pregnacy fear, and I kept telling myself how weird it was that I got that imbalance and what a coincidence it was to get it three weeks after having sex.
Now I've been on Diane 35 for about three months, and I haven´t had sex since before the whole scare. I have got all my withdrawal bleedings and they look very normal. As much I try to shake off my pregnancy scare, I've been feeling so sick and in pain, that I end up blaming an undiagnosed pregnancy as the cause. I feel nauseous since I wake up, until I go to bed. I have pains in my lower abdomen and lower back. My stomach burns and it's getting unbearable. I felt so bad, to the point that I ended up taking another hpt and another qualitative blood test, which came up negative. Is it possible to feel this sick while on birth control? I asked my doctor about it and he told me to take my pills after lunch, but that hasn't helped. Could a pregnancy be sneaky, to the point of not finding out at 5 months? Even through several tests? I already read the article about irrational pregnancy fears, but I really wouldn't be freaking out about this if I didn't feel so off.
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Re: Feeling sick from Birth Control?

Unread post by Mo »

Hi Kim,

It certainly sounds like you're in pain enough that it's worth talking to the doctor again. We can't know exactly why you're feeling this pain; it might be related to the birth control, the cysts, or something else entirely. Since your doctor's suggestion of taking your pill at a different time didn't help with the pain, I think the best thing you can do is make another appointment to go in and talk through all the symptoms you're feeling, so the doctor can do some problem-solving and help you find a way to feel better.

You've had many negative pregnancy test results, and read our article about persistent pregnancy fears; I don't know that there's anything I can say on top of that to convince you that you aren't pregnant. :) But since there clearly is something that's causing you a lot of pain and distress, I hope you can see a doctor about that soon.
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Re: Feeling sick from Birth Control?

Unread post by Kim_2704 »

Thank you! I keep telling myself that it's just ridiculous to still think I'm pregnant from something that happened in June. I plan to call my doctor and ask him if I really need to keep taking those pills for 3 more months, since I don't plan to be sexually active. I do know Diane 35 are higher dose-than-usual BC pills, so that might be what its causing all those side effects on me. My OB/GYN is currently on vacation and I just needed some reassurance until I can talk to him.
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Re: Feeling sick from Birth Control?

Unread post by Mo »

Sounds like a good plan!
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