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bowel movement

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:11 pm
by Corrie199689
I had a loose stool around 8:30pm but took my pill at 3:15pm should I be worried about it affecting the efficiency? Do I need to take another?

Re: bowel movement

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:09 pm
by Mo
This isn't something that will impact the efficiency of your pill, no. Since you've had a lot of worries about pregnancy in the past, one thing we do recommend (for everyone, but especially for people who have strong pregnancy fears) is that people back up any form of birth control with a second one. Condoms are a great choice for this! That way, any time you think your birth control pill may have lessened effectiveness, you can feel more secure knowing the backup method is picking up any slack. And if it turns out, as in this case, that the effectiveness wasn't impacted, you still know you have two methods working for you.