Can only orgasm through clit stimulation?

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Can only orgasm through clit stimulation?

Unread post by rockergrrrl743 »

I’m not sexually active but I’m very sexually aware of myself ever since the age of eleven. I know what I like and don’t like and know when and how I need to jerk off. Aka, I’m not one to be immature about this stuff unless I’m joking around. Anyways, I can only orgasm through clit stimulation. My g spot never feels good just spongey and this normal? What will I do if I get a partner and I want to have full on sex with them? And also whenever I jerk Off I always chicken out before I climax except for that one time, is there anyway to help overcome that?
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Re: Can only orgasm through clit stimulation?

Unread post by Heather »

A few things:
• The g-spot is also part of the clitoral structure.
• Way more people (with these body parts) than not most often orgasm primarily due to stimulation of the external clitoris, and only a minority of people experience orgasm without that kind of stimulation.
• People don’t just have any given kind of sex - including intercourse - to orgasm, and plenty of people (including those who have a penis) don’t reach orgasm through intercourse alone. (Mind, even those with vulvas that do are probably doing so in part due to internal clitoris stimulation.)

So, while it sounds like you’re still relatively new to all this and how this all goes with your body so far, nothing you have said suggests any cause for concern.

If you’re not letting yourself experience orgasm but want to, your first step is probably figuring out why you’re holding back. What do you think about that?
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Re: Can only orgasm through clit stimulation?

Unread post by rockergrrrl743 »

Okay! Thanks! This really helped a lot, especially since I live in a part of the US where things are more taboo n conservative. I was just curious with what was going on
scarleteen founder & director
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Re: Can only orgasm through clit stimulation?

Unread post by Heather »

Of course. Did you still want some help with this:
If you’re not letting yourself experience orgasm but want to, your first step is probably figuring out why you’re holding back. What do you think about that?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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